Monday, January 22, 2007

Session #2: Technology Infrastructure, The Internet and World Wide Web..

Yup yup.. here is the 2nd session of this course... In this session, Prof. Gilbert gave us an overview about Technology Infrastructure in the Internet and World Wide Web... Hmm.. An interesting topic for me, I can learn what are behind the Internet that we use everyday, everywhere and everytime :D

Among all topics that were discussed during the session, I'm interested in wireless network. Yup yup.. By using wireless network, you can connect to other computer or to the Internet without a wire.. As discussed in the class, currently, there are 3 most common type of wireless network defined by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE) they are:
  1. IEEE 802.11a

  2. IEEE 802.11b

  3. IEEE 802.11g

Besides above types, there is a newest type in wireless network which is IEEE 802.11n. The newest type is announced in January 2007, however this type has not been finalized yet. According to IEEE, the final version of IEEE 802.11n will be released in April 2007. Let me give you differences between these protocols:

Ermm.. I think you guys don't like theoretical things right? Let's try something practical about wireless network. I'll give you a "How-To" to set up your own wireless ad hoc network.. So, if your friends visit your room, they can connect to the internet via your laptop or wireless adapter. :D

First let's start from the ingredients. To do this "How-To" what you need is

  1. At least 2 laptops

  2. Local Area Network(LAN) cable

  3. Network point

  4. 10 SGD... to be transferred to my bank account.. haha.. just kidding.. basically what you need are just above items. Ignore the last one :p..

Okay.... Ladies and gentlemen... Let's begin :D

  1. First, you must connect one of the laptop to the network point using LAN cable and this laptop act as a server that connect to the internet. So, just imagine this laptop is your own laptop and you connect it to the Internet using LAN cable. Don't forget to turn on the wireless adapter of your laptop :D
  2. Then, next step is to share your LAN connection. First, go to Control Panel -> Network Connections -> Local Area Connection. Then click it until new small windows called Local Area Connection Properties is popped up. In the Local Area Connection Properties windows, set the option like picture below. Don't forget to press OK after you finish all the required option below :D..

  3. Next, you need to set up the wireless connection. It's almost similar to above steps. You need to go to Control Panel->Network Connection-> Wireless Network Connection and new windows called Wireless Network Connection Status is popped up. Click Properties button, and Wireless Network Connection Properties is popped up as shown below.

  4. Okay, good job!!.. Here is the most difficult thing of this "How-To". In the Wireless Network Connection Properties, click Wireless Network tab, and then click Add.. button(button that I put circle around it). New windows is popped up (wow... so many windows..:D.. don't worry.. keep going.. you almost finish it). In this step, you need to fill in some parameters. The first one is Network Name, you can fill with any name that you like. Then untick option: The key is provided to me automatically but don't forget to tick the last option like what above picture shows. Fill in the network key with FIVE digits as you like.. it can be 12345, or 55555, or it's up to you, as long as 5 digits number. This number will be so called the "password" to enter and use your netowrk. Press OK button.. :D..
  5. Back to Wireless Network Connection Properties and click General tab, highlight the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) as shown below and click Properties button then new windows called Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties is popped up. Set up the IP address and subnet mask as shown below

  6. Then press OK... Wow.. almost done!!!! One last step.. Go to Control Panel -> Network Set Up Wizard. Click Next until you find this window shown below. Set the option like what the picture below shows. Choose the first option :D

  7. Okay, now it's time to the 2nd laptop to use your network, from Wireless Network Connection Status Windows, and click View Wireless Network button. Click your network and enter the network key (remember the 5 digit of number that you set above). And .... ABRACADABRA... your friend's laptop connect to the Internet!!!! :D... well done guys!!!

Congratulationss!!!! You finish this small "How-To".. hehehhe.. I think this example is just like a sand in the desert... There are many many many and manyyyyyyyyy ways to utilize the Internet and the infrastructure in it :D.. It's up to us to master it and keep our self in the same pace with the development of technology :D.. heheh....

Auf Wiedersehen... :D

ps. if you can't see the pictures above clearly, you can download the original snapshot in here

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Disruptive Technology... What's that?????!!... Hmm..

Pheww... Finally I just attended the first lesson of this course. And after I got some introduction of this course, I hope I can learn about the emerging technology in mobile electronic commerce application especially the Web 2.0 and know how to handle new technology in mobile and electronic application so that I can apply it in real world case =)

Disruptive Technology

In the first lesson, the first thing that was introduced to me is about disruptive technology. And after I heard this term, I started questioning my self... "What is disruptive technology? and what are the relations between this thing and ourselves as the users of technology?".. hmmm.. hmm.. and at first I thought that disruptive technology is technology that can disrupt ourselves.. and what do you think? Is that correct??....

Erm... the answer for above definition is WRONG
!!! .. :p...

Disruptive Technology is -in simple explanation- a specific technologies that "eat" another old or existing technologies. In more formal definition, it is technological innovation, product, or service that eventually overturns the existing dominant technology or product in the market. If you still confused, let me give you an example of this disruptive technology.... Here they are..
  • SMS in mobile phones that overturn pagers
  • MP3 players that overturn CD players
  • ebooks that still trying to overturn conventional books
One big question in my mind is "will iPhone become disruptive technology that overturns other mobile phone and PDA or even pocketPC... ???"... Hmmm... let time answers it :D..

Web 2.0

Okay let's move to another new things in the first lesson which is Web 2.0. As the name implies with its '2.0' phrase, this Web 2.0 is the next generation of web or internet-based service, such as social networking tools, wikis, podcast, RSS and weblogs/blogs.

There are severa
l characteristics that a Web 2.0-based website exhibits. Here they are..
  • Network as a platform, this means the website should allow users to use applications entirely through browser
  • Users owning the data on the site and exercising control over that data
  • A rich, interactive, user-friendly interface based on Ajax or similar frameworks
  • It has social-networking aspects like what Friendster does
  • Has "public good" characteristic, which means everyone can use it and the usage of this things doesn't decrease its availability to other user


Yup, I think all of you have already heard Wikipedia before. It's an online encyclopedia that is in Wiki format. Wiki is Hawaiian word that means fast. So if we relate this concept to information technology, Wiki means a fast way to retrieve information by put some relation between one information to others. A Wiki-based website is a website that allows the visitors themselves to easily add, remove, and change available content. Currently, many websites adopt this technique to present information to users.


What is VoIP? If you are Communication Engineer, I'm sure you know it. But no need to be an Engineer to know the basic things about VoIP =). VoIP is abbreviation of Voice over Internet Protocol. This technology carries voice signals through IP network instead of conventional telephony network. At the beginning VoIP's voice quality is behind conventional telephony network's quality. But, as more and more researches are conducted in this field, now VoIP's voice quality is almost similar to conventional telephony network and this technology can disrupt conventional phone network since it has lower cost and as easy as using conventional phone. Here are some examples of VoIP service provider Actually sometimes I use Yahoo Messenger to have voice conference with my friends in Batam, and the quality is quite good. Although sometimes the connection suddenly lost. When I try to use it locally, with friends from Singapore, the voice quality is the same but it more rarely to lost connection. I think it is because Singapore's network infrastructure is better than Batam's... Woww.. I learned lot of things from the first lesson... I hope I can learn more and more from other lesson.. :D

Auf Wiedersehen...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

First post!!!

Yup yup.. this is my first posstt!!!..

This blog is dedicated for MB362 Electronic and Mobile Commerce course... :D

I think this is an interesting course and I hope all students can get a lot of knowledge from this course !!! ^^v