Thursday, January 18, 2007

Disruptive Technology... What's that?????!!... Hmm..

Pheww... Finally I just attended the first lesson of this course. And after I got some introduction of this course, I hope I can learn about the emerging technology in mobile electronic commerce application especially the Web 2.0 and know how to handle new technology in mobile and electronic application so that I can apply it in real world case =)

Disruptive Technology

In the first lesson, the first thing that was introduced to me is about disruptive technology. And after I heard this term, I started questioning my self... "What is disruptive technology? and what are the relations between this thing and ourselves as the users of technology?".. hmmm.. hmm.. and at first I thought that disruptive technology is technology that can disrupt ourselves.. and what do you think? Is that correct??....

Erm... the answer for above definition is WRONG
!!! .. :p...

Disruptive Technology is -in simple explanation- a specific technologies that "eat" another old or existing technologies. In more formal definition, it is technological innovation, product, or service that eventually overturns the existing dominant technology or product in the market. If you still confused, let me give you an example of this disruptive technology.... Here they are..
  • SMS in mobile phones that overturn pagers
  • MP3 players that overturn CD players
  • ebooks that still trying to overturn conventional books
One big question in my mind is "will iPhone become disruptive technology that overturns other mobile phone and PDA or even pocketPC... ???"... Hmmm... let time answers it :D..

Web 2.0

Okay let's move to another new things in the first lesson which is Web 2.0. As the name implies with its '2.0' phrase, this Web 2.0 is the next generation of web or internet-based service, such as social networking tools, wikis, podcast, RSS and weblogs/blogs.

There are severa
l characteristics that a Web 2.0-based website exhibits. Here they are..
  • Network as a platform, this means the website should allow users to use applications entirely through browser
  • Users owning the data on the site and exercising control over that data
  • A rich, interactive, user-friendly interface based on Ajax or similar frameworks
  • It has social-networking aspects like what Friendster does
  • Has "public good" characteristic, which means everyone can use it and the usage of this things doesn't decrease its availability to other user


Yup, I think all of you have already heard Wikipedia before. It's an online encyclopedia that is in Wiki format. Wiki is Hawaiian word that means fast. So if we relate this concept to information technology, Wiki means a fast way to retrieve information by put some relation between one information to others. A Wiki-based website is a website that allows the visitors themselves to easily add, remove, and change available content. Currently, many websites adopt this technique to present information to users.


What is VoIP? If you are Communication Engineer, I'm sure you know it. But no need to be an Engineer to know the basic things about VoIP =). VoIP is abbreviation of Voice over Internet Protocol. This technology carries voice signals through IP network instead of conventional telephony network. At the beginning VoIP's voice quality is behind conventional telephony network's quality. But, as more and more researches are conducted in this field, now VoIP's voice quality is almost similar to conventional telephony network and this technology can disrupt conventional phone network since it has lower cost and as easy as using conventional phone. Here are some examples of VoIP service provider Actually sometimes I use Yahoo Messenger to have voice conference with my friends in Batam, and the quality is quite good. Although sometimes the connection suddenly lost. When I try to use it locally, with friends from Singapore, the voice quality is the same but it more rarely to lost connection. I think it is because Singapore's network infrastructure is better than Batam's... Woww.. I learned lot of things from the first lesson... I hope I can learn more and more from other lesson.. :D

Auf Wiedersehen...

1 comment:

cellprof said...

This is a really solid review of the material I introduced you to. Now you should focus on your learning experience, the topics that really interest you, the ideas you respond to, and those that you didn't quite understand.

Then take the ideas that interest you and find a way to improve our wiki!